Call for Papers and Sessions
You are invited to submit an original paper, survey or tutorial paper on any subject in the area of new devices for ULSI systems, high-performance circuits and design, and new LSI architecture. The topics of interest include but not limited to:
- Algebra and Formal Aspects
- ATPG and SAT
- Automatic Reasoning
- Bio-Inspired and Novel
- Hardware Algorithms
- Communication Systems
- Computer Arithmetic
- Computer Security
- Data Bases
- Data Mining
- Decision Diagram
- Fuzzy Logic and Soft Computing
- Image Processing
- Logic Design and Switching Theory
- Logic Programming
- Machine Learning and Robotics
- Mathematical Fuzzy Logic
- Medical and Wellness Care Technology
- Nano Technology and Computer Security
- Opto-Electronics
- Index Generation Functions
- Quantum Computing
- Quantum Cryptography
- Quantum Devices
- Signal Processing
- Single Electrons
- Spectral Techniques
- Superconductivity
- Web Intelligence
- Verification
- Philosophical Aspects
Proposals for special sessions concerning the above topics are also welcome.
Special session proposals should be submitted to the Workshop Chair Masanori Natsui (natsui{at}
Submission Guidelines
Initial Submission
Please submit
one-page abstract with double-spaced single column format according to the following instruction:
Paper Format
- Please convert the manuscript file into a PDF file using the Adobe Acrobat Distiller. All fonts used in the manuscript must be embedded in the PDF file in converting.
- Please send the PDF file via e-mail to natsui{at}
Final Submission
Authors are requested to submit the final camera-ready manuscript upon acceptance. Please prepare the camera-ready manuscript according to the following guideline.
Paper Format
- Paper Size
The manuscript should be clearly printed on single-sided A4 (210mm x 297mm) or US letter (8.5 x 11 inch) paper.
- Margins
The left and right margins are the same and are to be 25mm. The top and bottom margins are to be 30mm and 25mm, respectively.
- Language
All papers must be written in English.
- Restriction on the Number of Pages
The number of pages for a manuscript is not strictly restricted. But, 6 to 8 pages for Regular Sessions are preferred.
- Page Numbering
Please do not type page numbers on the camera-ready manuscript.
- Details
We recommend you use the IEEE format to prepare your camera-ready manuscript. You can get the Microsoft Word style file and LaTeX style files.
MS Word style file: MS Word Template file
LaTeX style files: For Linux/Unix, IEEEtran.tar.gz
For PC and Mac,
Registration (Note, be subject to change)
- Registration fee is free.
- To all participants who make a registration in advance, the conference proceedings will be distributed and light meals will be served for lunch.
- To make a pre-registration please send email notification to Masanori Natsui (natsui{at} by May 7, 2019.
- On-site registration will be accepted, but we cannot guarantee your proceeding and lunch service.
The ULSIWS2019 is organized by following members. If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact us. Best way to reach us is via mail.
Workshop Chair:
- Masanori Natsui (Tohoku University, Japan), natsui{at}
Local Arrangement Chair
- The 49th International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic (ISMVL2019)
- Past Workshops
- ULSIWS2018 [Linz, Austria]
- ULSIWS2017 [Novi Sad, Serbia]
- ULSIWS2016 [Hokkaido,Japan]
- ULSIWS2015 [Waterloo,Canada]
- ULSIWS2014 [Bremen,Germany]
- ULSIWS2013 [Toyama,Japan]
- ULSIWS2012 [Victoria,Canada]
- ULSIWS2011 [Tuusula,Finland]
- ULSIWS2010 [Barcelona,Spain]
- ULSIWS2009 [Okinawa,Japan]
- ULSIWS2008 [Texas,U.S.A.]
- ULSIWS2007 [Oslo,Norway]
- ULSIWS2006 [Singapore,Singapore]
- ULSIWS2005 [Calgary,Canada]
- ULSIWS2004 [Toronto,Canada]