We are promoting research and development of brainware LSI by organically integrating the following main items:

- Intelligent Nano-Integration and Brainware LSI Systems
- Autonomous Decentralized Control System
- Recognition and learning mechanism of human brain

Intelligent Nano-Integration and Brainware LSI Systems

- Massively parallel neural LSI
- Nonvolatile logic-in-memory architecture and Its applications
- Stochastic computation for brainware massively parallel vision chips
- High-density implementation of devices for brain computing


Autonomous Decentralized Control System

- Control of soft-bodied robots with large degrees of bodily freedom
- Autonomous decentralized control for various types of locomotion
- Dynamical system approach to understand versatility behavior and its application to robotics


Recognition and learning mechanism of human brain

- Mechanism of multisensory information processing
- Development of new theories of acoustic digital signal processing
- Adaptive-process and functions of the human cognitive system for action through psychophysical experiments
- Computational models of the recognition and learning processes in the human brain
